Tuesday, April 14, 2009


welcome one and all to my world... well its going to be a bumpy ride reading my blog... basically i'm jobless and i have all the time in the world... so i thot y not start blogging.. maybe i'll become famous one day... lol!!! its jus a stupid fantasy of mine... in order to introduce myself if a unkown person is reading my blog which is highly unlikely... i thot to use an innovative idea of facebook.. so ppl out ther in facebook... pls do not sue me... ok the idea is i'm going to write 25 random things abt me;
1. i luvvvvve BOOKS!!! cant imagine a life without them.. i always have a book in my bed, i carry a book wen i'm travelling or waiting in the queve or waiting for my dentist appointment etc etc.

2. i'm talkative, cheerful most of the times, very friendly, caring, pretty and smart.

3. i'm engaged.... cant believe i'm getting married.... a big shocker to me.

4. i'm an environmentalist... i care abt the following causes... no to plastics, pollution.. my frens hate me for the lectures i give on keeping surroundings clean..

5. i love watching movies and tv... acc to recent research ppl who watch a lot of tv are said to be depressed... i totally disagree with it.. v get so involved with the characters and begin to live their lives in our head which is fun and nice timepass!!!

6. i believe i shud be in america or london doing my phd living in appartment, having fun with my roommates.. i can booze and party all the time!!! alas!! this is jus a dream...

7. i'm a dreamer, i daydream most of the times... like becoming the richest woman in the world!! lol

8. i'm still in love with someone who doesnt love me!!! arent we all!!

9. i love writing. it gives me a sense of peace. its like i'm connecting to the higher being.

10. HELP!!! i'm living a life i hate the most.

11. secret dream is to become a model!! i dont have the body for it.

12. secret passion is to dance... i dance to myself... inreality i'm a horrible dancer.

13. i'm scared of snakes and darkness....

14. i hate cooking and any householdy stuff but i'm supposed to do it... it sucks!!!

15. i love playing sims.. lol

16. i dream abt doing my phd... go on world tour... make a difference in the world... and wrting a book..

17. i badly want to get a job and earn lots of money!!!

18. i love my parents, brother and my friendsl... they come first in my life.

19. i hate hypocrites and liars!!!!

20.. i cant believe i'm getting married and moving to a new home.

21... i cant get out of home.. i'm house arrrest...

22.. i'm spiritual.

23. insomniac, obseessed abt my weight, selfish.... my negatives...

24.. wanting things tht are impossible to attain has put me in misery many times.

25.. i love ME!!!